
 Registration Guide

 (Kindly see Abstract Guidelines before proceeding for the registration)


Step1: Payment of Registration Fees:

 Registration Fees for Delegates

(15 % discount for BRSI and KKNF members):

1.Faculty Members- Offline ₹3000  Online 1500

2.Early Bird Fees For Students - Offline  1250 ; Online  1200


3.Industry partners/Institutional Registration- ₹10,000-5Lac

4.Foreign Delegate - $150

Participants willing to join the conference are required to pay the registration fees to the following Bank account/UPI ID:   

Bank Details for Payment:

Account Holder– Indian Accounting Association, Sagar Branch

Name of the Bank – State Bank of India

A/c No.35386549086 & IFSC CodeSBIN0001143

Branch – Saugor University Sagar Branch Dr. Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya Campus, Sagar (M.P.) India.PC-470003


Scan this UPI Barcode:



Step 2: Filling Up of Google Form:

After successful payment of registration fees participants are required to fill up the google form and upload their Abstract and Payment receipt in the concerned section of form. For Format of Abstract please see Abstract GuidelinesParticipants can fill up the registration google form either by:

Scanning or clicking the QR code


 Clicking on the Google form link

provided below


    QR Code          Or



Note- Registration Fees is non-refundable.


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